Zirconia Poems

Published by:
Lillabulero Press (Paperback 1969)
Included poems:
Praise for Robert Morgan:
Robert Morgan's writing is... clear and simple, yet it possesses a luminous poetic quality, a rough beauty hewn from the countyside and from old, forgotten ways.
— The Philadelphia InquirerAny new collection of poems by Robert Morgan is a gift... In the past thirty years I have learned a great deal from this man, who is exemplary as a poet, as a prose writer, and as a human being.
— Ted Kooser, former U.S. Poet LaureateOne of Robert Morgan's chief claims on our attention is the backbone he puts into the backcountry lore that grounds his work, the stately proprieties and meditative gravity he hews out of the hardscrabble folkways of his native Blue Ridge Mountains... His is a fine-grained, self-implicating intelligence that can span the intricacies of both pine resin and pantoums.
— Poetry