The Balm of Gilead Tree and Other Stories

The Balm of Gilead Tree and Other Stories

Published by: Gnomon Press (Paperback 1999)
The Balm of Gilead Tree at Amazon

Published by: Gnomon Press (Hardcover 1999)


Included stories:

The Tracks of Chief de Soto

Poinsett's Bridge

Kuykendall's Gold

Little Willie

A Brightness New & Welcoming


Dark Corner

1916 Flood


The Welcome


Death Crown

The Ratchet

Sleepy Gap

The Bullnoser

A Taxpayer & A Citizen

The Balm of Gilead Tree


Praise for Robert Morgan:

Words plain and deep as the hills...

— Booklist
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Any new collection of poems by Robert Morgan is a gift... In the past thirty years I have learned a great deal from this man, who is exemplary as a poet, as a prose writer, and as a human being.

— Ted Kooser, former U.S. Poet Laureate
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Robert Morgan has a rare and cunning gift: he can sift through the detritus of the past, pluck objects and images from his memory (especially his childhood) and elevate them to the point where they become -- in the sense that Campbell used the word -- 'numinous.'

— Gary Carden, The Smoky Mountain News
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